Don’t you love a good story? That’s why we were excited to collaborate with some other YouTube English teachers and take part in the World Story-Telling Day Project. Watch the video to learn how our story works.

Video transcript

Today is World Storytelling Day, a day of global celebration of the art of storytelling. Many people all over the world are getting together to listen to and tell stories in lots of different languages.
So Simple English Videos has joined together with six YouTubing teachers to make up a story for you. Jennifer’s starting, then passing it along to Duncan, who’s passibg it along to Gabby, and so on. Let’s get right to it!

The story

Here is the story we all created.

You can see captions for the story on the videos at YouTube. Just press the little cc button.

We used several abbreviations in our story. Did you spot them. We made another video about that. Click here to see it. 
And click here to see some of our other stories.



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