At your first meeting with a new business contact, you’ll want to make a good impression. What could go wrong? Well quite a lot.
First impressions count so here you’ll learn English phrases and expressions to make yours a great one.

Click here to see more everyday situations where you’ll want to be polite.
Click here to see more Business English conversations.

First impression script

So you’re meeting a new business contact.


First impressions matter, so what can you do and say? OK. First thing – arrive on time. You don’t want your contact wondering where you are.

Erm… Excuse me. Are you from Pattersons?
Oh are you Vicki Hollett?

Next thing – be ready to greet your visitor and make them feel welcome.

Oh are you Vicki Hollett?
Hi! Welcome to Philly!

Ah yes. It’s best to greet them in a professional manner.

Errr.. Hi, I’m Vicki Hollett.
Hi, I’m Jay Silber from Pattersons. Welcome to Philadelphia.
Thank you.
So how was your trip?
Erm, not too bad thanks but one of my bags didn’t arrive from England.
Let’s go then.

The next thing is listen. Pay attention to what they say, so you can respond.

So how was your trip?
Not too bad, but one of my bags didn’t arrive from England.
Will they send it to you here?
That’s what they promised.
Oh good. OK, let’s go.

Another thing. Be helpful!

Can I help you with your bag?
Ooo, yes please. It’s a bit heavy, I’m afraid.
Oh, no problem. My car’s this way.
Thank you.

That’s more like it!. Now what about small talk? What can you say to get the conversation going?

Shoot, this bag is heavy. So tell me about yourself? Are you married? How old are you?

Oooo, that’s not right. You want to be friendly and you don’t want to get too personal – not with someone you don’t know.

Do you travel abroad a lot?
Oh, a couple of times a year.
I’d like to travel more.
You like travelling. So do I.
Have you ever been to England?

Now that’s a good question. Travel is a neutral topic. The weather is another one.

Ooo, it’s cold out here. I hate this weather.
It’s like this in England, isn’t it?
Well… Well, everybody says so.

That’s not good. He complains about the weather, and then he makes judgements about England. Let’s try again.

Oh, it’s cold out.
What was the weather like in England when you left?
Not too bad.
Well, it’s going to be nice and warm tomorrow.
And I think I’m going to have a good trip.

And that’s the key – be friendly, positive and upbeat. Now one question before we stop. Can you think of other good topics for starting conversations in English? Tell us in the comments below.

Click here to see more everyday situations where you’ll want to be polite.
Click here to see more Business English conversations.



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