telephone english

How to answer English calls when you’re busy – funny

Telephone English is just like normal English with a few special phrases, but many learners find English calls stressful. Watch this funny English telephone conversation with Barack Obama and you’ll learn some practical expressions you can put to use in your conversations. You’ll have fun along the way.

Learn more useful expressions for everyday situations. Click here. 

Obama telephone conversation tapescript

Two for you. Two for me. Two for you. Hi, this is Vicki.
This is Barack Obama.
Barack who? This is Barack Obama.
How are you?
Fine, how are you? Well, I’m doing great and er…
I know I’m interrupting but I figured you might take my call.
Well, we’re a bit busy. How’s er… How’s your Mom doing these days?
Mum’s fine. Was there something you wanted?
One of the things I think is… is terrific is baseball, you know.
Baseball. So you called to talk about baseball?
Right, you know, I’m a big baseball fan. Er… And I grew up in Hawaii. My earliest memories of baseball were actually the…
Look I’m sorry Barack but we’re a bit busy at the moment. Is that er… Is that correct?
Yeah, this isn’t a good time. Well then I understand that… I understand that…
Try calling next week, or next month. We’d love to hear from you then.
Well I appreciate that. Tell your Mom I said ‘Hi’. You take care of yourself.
You too. Thanks Barack. Bye.
So where were we? Er, two for you. Two for me. Two for you. Two for me…

Learn more useful expressions for everyday situations. Click here. 

10 thoughts on “How to answer English calls when you’re busy – funny”

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  2. Hi Vicki ! There are lots of humor and positive in your videos. They truly combine pleasant with useful. Thanks a lot for your job !
    I wanted to ask you, if you had got a video about “Maybe and May be”. I couldn’t had found the one here.

  3. Christiane Lauschitzky

    Hi, I’m a freelance teacher planning a lesson on using the telephone. Great video, I’ll be using it in class this week. Thanks.

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