In this English conversation Vicki and Kathy are opening their office suggestions box. The first idea they read is to create a Facebook page. They like it. The second idea is to have casual dress days every day of the week. They are not so sure about that.
Notice the English phrases used to make suggestions in the conversation.

Suggestion Box Conversation

OK, let’s open the office suggestion box.
Yeah! Two suggestions! That’s great.
Open the first one.
OK. ‘Why don’t we create a Facebook page for our company?’
I like this idea.
That’s a very good suggestion. Read the second one.
OK. ‘How about having casual dress days at the office every day of the week? ‘Hmmm. That’s an interesting idea.
I wonder who suggested that.

Click here to learn the phrases we commonly use to make suggestions in English.
Click here for more video conversations for English speaking practice



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